INSPIRE - Annex I Theme Cadastral Parcels - Cadastral zoning

Updated on September 1, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration du cadastre et de la topographie

Les missions principales de l'administration du cadastre et de la topographie (ACT) peuvent être divisées en trois grands volets. la création, la gestion, la mise à jour et la diffusion des documentations foncières et cartographiques officielles au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. la mensuration…

130 datasets

3 reuses


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
November 21, 2017
Latest resource update
June 7, 2019

Geographic dimensions

Territorial coverage granularity




This dataset contains the cadastral zoning of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The cadastral parcels in Luxembourg do have unique parcels numbers for a so-called cadastral section. Sections are unique subdivisions for a "cadastral municipality". There are 130 cadastral municipalities, which consist of the municipalities existing in the beginning of the 19th century, when the original cadastral surveyings and organisations took place. Today there are only 106 administrative municipalities in Luxembourg because, some municipalities have been merged at the administrative level.

Description copied from here.

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