INSPIRE - Annex I Theme Protected Sites - Biotope cadastre of the open landscapes
Updated on June 3, 2019 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
Administration de la nature et des forêts
L'Administration de la nature et des forêts est l'administration publique du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg qui est chargée des missions de 1) la protection de la nature, des ressources naturelles, de la diversité biologique et des paysages; 2) la protection et la gestion forestière durable des forêts…
15 datasets
- License
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- ID
- 59c3b137111e9b462c0a8f97
- Frequency
- Unknown
- Creation date
- September 21, 2017
- Latest resource update
- March 6, 2019
Geographic dimensions
- Territorial coverage granularity
- Other
Biotope cadastre of the open landscapes. Data transformed into INSPIRE data specifications on Protected Sites.
The register of biotopes is a map of the zones of rare and threatened habitats protected by Article 17 of the amended Law of 19 January 2004 on the protection of nature and natural resources of which identification is difficult or ambiguous.
Description copied from here.
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