Region names from the digitized cadastral map PCN

Updated on September 1, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration du cadastre et de la topographie

Les missions principales de l'administration du cadastre et de la topographie (ACT) peuvent être divisées en trois grands volets. la création, la gestion, la mise à jour et la diffusion des documentations foncières et cartographiques officielles au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. la mensuration…

130 datasets

3 reuses


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Creation date
July 18, 2017
Latest resource update
January 31, 2018




This dataset contains the region names from the administrative boundaries and areas derived from the digital cadastral map (PCN). On the German border, the condominium covering the rivers Mosel, Sauer and Our has been separated. The geometry of the country borders is not yet matched with the neighbor countries.

Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model.
Automatically created dataset for INSPIRE Annexes II and III 'as-is' delivery
Description copied from here
Data copied from geoportal sources
WMS proxied from geoportal sources

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