Mobilité - Veloh
From Ville de Luxembourg
Données et API concernant le service de partage de vélos Veloh. Licence
Created on March 29, 2016. Updated on March 8, 2017 — Other (Open)
Published on January 30, 2018
The Game of Code Challenge wants to implement a hacker approach to sustainability: getting excited and building things, using open data and code in new and creative ways to change Luxembourg for the better.
Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. Given in particular the continuous demographic and economic growth over the past decades in Luxembourg, a more sustainable lifestyle has to become a key issue in order to guarantee the country’s success in the future.
We expect from the Challenge teams new apps, services and visualisations that make use of or create Open Data to improve our social, economic and environmental situation, for instance in terms of mobility, quality of life, or environmental footprint.
This challenge is about creating something useful in 24h, presented as functional proof of concepts that can be explored and judged by the jury, be it a mobile phone app, interactive website or visualisation/analysis. Keep in mind that the jury will want to see and use your proof of concept, so will strongly prefer a publicly accessible website as proof of concept over a iOS/Android app which will cause problems installing and running.
Any teams that do not submit their project here as a reuse and link both their online demo/app and their Open Source Codebase on their Github repository for inspection by the jury will be eliminated from the challenge. A polished Powerpoint presentation of an ambitious concept which isn't implemented in real code will be rejected by the jury!
The best projects will get the opportunity to pitch to us for the development of their proof of concept into a finished product.
Challenge participants are expected to make use of one or more datasets contained in the Open Data Portal of Luxembourg (, sponsored by the “Digital Lëtzebuerg” initiative. Some examples of data that could be relevant for this topic include:
You can register for the Game of Code Hackathon here
We are also cooperating with the Kniwwelino project from LIST ( and will have the support of their development team at the event. They will have a stand where they provide demos of their project and support for teams wanting to use the Kniwwelino in their project.
The Kniwwelino is a microcontroller designed for education purposes and we are interested in the potential of such IoT microcontrollers, sensors and networks in the context of Open Data and the Game of Code challenge. Can you think of scenarios where crowdsourced data can be collected using such tools?
From Ville de Luxembourg
Données et API concernant le service de partage de vélos Veloh. Licence
Created on March 29, 2016. Updated on March 8, 2017 — Other (Open)
From Administration des transports publics
Arrêts des transport publics et horaires des bus et trains sur la totalité du territoire luxembourgeois. Comprend les lignes des AVL, CFL, LUXTRAM, RGTR et TICE. Les données sont disponibles au format ouvert NeTEx (
Created on March 30, 2016. Updated on June 22, 2022 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
From Administration des transports publics
La nouvelle API est disponible. Fin du support le 01.05.2021. Paramètres: look_x: longitude (sans virgule et avec 7 chiffres) look_y: latitude (sans virgule et avec 8 chiffres) maxdist: distance de recherche en m L'URL…
Created on March 30, 2016. Updated on May 17, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
From Chargy
Liste des bornes de chargement publiques avec prises libres.
Created on November 10, 2017. Updated on August 30, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
From Société Nationale de Circulation Automobile
Cet export de données mensuel contient tous les véhicules immatriculés en circulation au Luxembourg. This monthly data export is a snapshot of all the registered vehicles currently running in Luxembourg.
Created on September 27, 2017. Updated on June 3, 2022 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
From Ville de Luxembourg
Données brutes des mesures NOx (NO et NO2) réalisée par les stations Hamilius (2013) et Rocade (2014 - ) de la Ville de Luxembourg. L'unité utilisée est celle du PPB (part per billion). Une conversion en microgrammes par m3 (unité utilisée pour l'indication de seuils légaux et préconisée par la…
Created on March 2, 2017. Updated on September 1, 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
From Ministère du Logement - Observatoire de l'Habitat
Mis à jour le 24 mars 2022 - Statistiques jusqu'au 4e trimestre 2021. Les prix des logements présentés ici sont issus des annonces immobilières publiées dans la presse quotidienne et spécialisée, et sur le portail immobilier IMMOTOP.LU. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas des prix de vente réellement payés…
Created on October 3, 2016. Updated on March 24, 2022 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
Published on April 9, 2016 by Transport for Luxembourg
Published on March 6, 2017 by Transport for Luxembourg