INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRailwaysNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during day-evening-night by major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year. Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - AQManagementZonesAndAgglomerations - 2016 Par MeteoLux This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Air Quality Directive. This dataset contains the classification of the territory of Luxembourg into zones or agglomerations reflecting the population density according to Directive 2008/50/EC. Article 6 Zones and agglomerations… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - RiverBasinDistrictSubUnit Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 12 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - DrinkingWaterProtectionAreasBeingReglemented_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Drinking water protection zones currently being reglemented Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - ProtectedAreaPoint Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 12 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during the night period by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 12 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_Noise_Directive Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants that is defined under Directive 2002/49/EC. Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Surfacewater_NitrateVulnerableZones_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Surface water (Nitrate directive) Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 12 mai 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_RoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population in the agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants affected by noise during day-evening-night by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - BathingWaters_RecreationalWaters_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau According to the Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/CE were designated 3 bathing water groups in Luxembourg : the reservoir of the Upper Sure , the swimming pond in Remerschen and the swimming pond in Weiswampach which are surveyed at 11 bathing water sites. Every year before the start of the bathing… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during day-evening-night by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_RailwaysNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population in the agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants affected by noise during the night period by major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year . Description copied… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - GroundWaterBodyHorizon Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - RiverWaterBody Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRailwaysNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during the night period by major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year . Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - GroundWaterBody Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_RailwaysNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population in the agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants affected by noise during day-evening-night by major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year . Description copied… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - UWWTD Sensitive Areas Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Sensitive areas (Urban waste water treatment directive) Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - SurfaceWaterBodyCenterline Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_RoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population in the agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants affected by noise during the night period by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - RiverBasinDistrict Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - ReglementedDrinkingWaterProtectionAreas_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Reglemented drinking water protection zones Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Groundwater_NitrateVulnerableZones_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Groundwater (Nitrate directive) Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - UWWTD Wastewater Syndicate Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Wastewater syndicate Data harmonized according to INSPIRE data model Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorAirportsNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during day-evening-night by major airports ≥ 50,000 air traffic movements per year. Description copied from… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - ProtectedArea Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - ProvisionalDrinkingWaterProtectionAreas_WFD Par Administration de la gestion de l'eau Provisional drinking water protection zones. Description copied from Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorAirportsNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during the night period by major airports ≥ 50,000 air traffic movements per year. Description copied from… Créé le 12 juin 2019. Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during the night period by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied from here. Créé le 7 novembre 2018. Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2020 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - BathingWaters_RecreationalWaters_WFD Par Géoportail According to the Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/CE were designated 3 bathing water groups in Luxembourg : the reservoir of the Upper Sure , the swimming pond in Remerschen and the swimming pond in Weiswampach which are surveyed at 11 bathing water sites. Every year before the start of the bathing… Créé le 7 novembre 2018. Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - GroundWaterBody Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 7 novembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_RoadsNoiseExposureDelineation_LNIGHT Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population in the agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants affected by noise during the night period by major roads ≥ 3 million vehicles per year. Description copied… Créé le 7 novembre 2018. Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2020 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - WastewaterSyndicate_UWWTD Par Géoportail Wastewater syndicate Data harmonized according to INSPIRE data model Description copied from here. Créé le 7 novembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - MajorRailwaysNoiseExposureDelineation_LDEN Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains the estimated population affected by noise during day-evening-night by major railways ≥ 30,000 trains per year. Description copied from here. Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2020 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - AQManagementZonesAndAgglomerations Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Air Quality Directive. This dataset contains the classification of the territory of Luxembourg into zones or agglomerations reflecting the population density according to Directive 2008/50/EC. Article 6 Zones and agglomerations… Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - RiverBasinDistrictSubUnit Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - DrinkingWaterProtectionAreasBeingReglemented_WFD Par Géoportail Drinking water protection zones currently being reglemented Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from here. Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - ProtectedAreaPoint Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the following obligation: "Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Reporting". For operational purposes, the following obligations are part on the 2016 WFD RBMP reporting process: "Water Framework Directive -… Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Agglomerations_Noise_Directive Par Géoportail This dataset was reported by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg under the Environmental Noise Directive . This dataset contains agglomeration ≥ 100,000 inhabitants that is defined under Directive 2002/49/EC. Description copied from here. Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori
INSPIRE - Annex III Theme Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units - Surfacewater_NitrateVulnerableZones_WFD Par Géoportail Surface water (Nitrate directive) Data not transformed into INSPIRE data model Description copied from here. Créé le 25 septembre 2018. Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0) 0 réutilisation 0 favori