Aeronautical Climatological Summary - Luxembourg/Findel Airport (ELLX)

Mis à jour le 1 septembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


MeteoLux - Portail Météo Luxembourg

23 jeux de données


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
3 avril 2020
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
3 avril 2020

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The aeronautical climatological summary is based on recommendations from the International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) and is available to all stakeholders of Luxembourg/Findel airport (ELLX), such as aircraft operators and administrations as well as other aeronautical users. The summary of climatological information is intended to assist stakeholders in strategic and operational planning. The report is intended solely for aeronautical aviation use. The climatological summaries are based on the models given in the Technical Regulations of WMO (World Meteorological Organization) No. 49, Volume II.

The aeronautical climatological information is based on half-hourly METAR observations at hh:20 and hh:50 (Meteorological Aerodrome Routine Reports) made over a period of ten consecutive years. The period will be updated or extended as more recent data becomes available. The reference time is UTC.

The Aeronautical Climatological Summary is published in English (pdf document).

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