Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg
The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is a government-driven initiative designed to provide a systematic response facility to computer security threats and incidents. CIRCL is the CERT for the private sector, communes and non-governmental entities in Luxembourg. CIRCL provides a…
7 jeux de données
- Licence
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
- ID
- 5707631632cc223774da4bcd
- Fréquence
- Temps réel
- Date de création
- 8 avril 2016
- Dernière mise à jour de ressource
- 8 avril 2016
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URL stable
BGP Ranking is a public service developed and operated by CIRCL starting from 2012 until today with the ranking of malicious activities seen per BGP AS number (e.g. ISP, Hosting companies). The historical data can be queried using the following format:<ASN>.
As an example, to download the historical data for AS6661 use the following format:
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