ID registry for electromobility
Mis à jour le 9 décembre 2021 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics
Les missions principales du Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics sont les suivantes : Renforcer et concrétiser la mise en œuvre d’une politique transversale du développement durable ; Créer des liens étroits entre le volet stratégique et le volet de la mise en œuvre du développement de…
14 jeux de données
3 réutilisations
- Licence
- Creative Commons Zero (CC0)
- ID
- 61026a4875d9a4b2c56a9e36
- Couverture temporelle
- 07/2021 à 12/2025
- Fréquence
- Ponctuelle
- Date de création
- 29 juillet 2021
- Dernière mise à jour de ressource
- 13 août 2021
Dimensions géographiques
- Granularité de la couverture territoriale
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The Programme Support Action (PSA) on ID issuing and data collection for alternative fuels (IDACS) has been set-up by the European Commission to support Member States in setting up data collecting for alternative fuels and make the data available through the National Access Points and to develop an effective, EU-wide coordination mechanism to assign unique identification codes to CPOs and EMSPs. The PSA has a duration of three years (2019-2021) and its Consortium consist of 15 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
The Consortium had to develop a format for the establishment of the first 5-digits of the e-mobility IDs for CPOs and EMPs and an EU-wide/coordinated approach regarding the remaining digits of the e-mobility IDs. Each of the Consortium-members has to establish a ID registration organisation (IDROs) at national level responsible for issuing and management of e-mobility IDs within each of the participating Member States. And a common ID Registration Repository (IDRR) needs to be established for the exchange between national IDROs.
List of all Mobility Service Providers (MSP) and Charge Point Operators (CPO) and their according ID's in the Benelux-countries. The registry is provided by the common Benelux service for the registration of identifications as part of the Benelux ID Registration Organization (IDRO).
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