Open Repository and Bibliography

Mis à jour le 31 août 2021 — License Not Specified

University of Luxembourg

Founded in 2003, the University of Luxembourg is the only public university of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Multilingual, international and research-oriented, it is also a modern institution with a personal atmosphere. About us Founded in 2003 Multilingual, international, research-oriented 860…

1 jeux de données


License Not Specified


Temps réel
Date de création
9 décembre 2016
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
20 janvier 2017

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Digital Repository for Open Access to University of Luxembourg publications.

ORBilu was officially launched on the 22nd April 2013. The acronym ORBi stands for "Open Repository and Bibliography". It also expresses the Latin word "orbi" ("for the world") and signals the will of the University to make its academic research available to everyone, without barriers, be they legal, financial or technical. By keeping the ORBi name and adding “lu”, the University of Luxembourg wants to show its appreciation for the work done by the University of Liège but also clearly indicate that this is a version adapted to the UL context.

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