Parliamentary questions qp
Mis à jour le 7 mai 2022 — Other (Attribution)
Chaos Computer Club Lëtzebuerg
Der Verein gibt sich folgende Objektive: Unterstützung der Kommunikations- & Informationsfreiheit Analysieren von Systemen und Warnungen an die betreffenden Verantwortlichen senden Bildung im Bereich der neuen Technologien und Datenschutz Technische Neugierde bezüglich komplexen Systemen stillen…
2 jeux de données
- Licence
- Other (Attribution)
- ID
- 5ee25579d2bfb221fd59c74a
- Couverture temporelle
- 13/02/1996 à 06/05/2022
- Fréquence
- Inconnu
- Date de création
- 11 juin 2020
- Dernière mise à jour de ressource
- 7 mai 2022
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This data set contains metadata of the published parliamentary questions scraped from the site.
The earliest question in this dataset is from the 13th of February 1996 and the latest question is from the 06th of May 2022.
The JSON file is an object mapping the IDs to another JSON object. The ids range from 95 to 23578, be aware that some IDs are missing, because the didn't give back any answer for certain IDs.
The inner object contains following keys:
- answer_by: The text of the cell of the answer
- answer_date: The date when the answer was published in the format %d-%m-%Y
- answer_limit_date - The date before which the answer should be published, normally 30 days after the the question was asked in the format %d-%m-%Y
- answer_type - Oral, written or withdrawal
- author - Containing the author(s) of the parliamentary question
- date - The published date of the parliamentary question in the format %d-%m-%Y
- destination - A list of objects, to which ministry/ministries the parliamentary question was directed. The keys of the inner objects are the following:
- ministry - To which ministry is this question directed
- name - The name of the minister
- has_answer - Boolean, True if the question has an written or oral answer, look at the answer_by key
- qp_number - Number, the published number of the parliamentary question
- qp_type - Question écrite, Question urgente, Question orale or Question élargie/Question avec débat
- subject - The title of the parliamentary question
- url - The URL to the detail page on
- events - A list of objects containing all events of the corresponding QP. The inner object has the following keys:
- date - The date of the events in the format %d-%m-%Y
- description - The description of the event
- link - The text of the cell in the table or the URL to the PDF, if it is available
In the future, this dataset will be updated with the newest parliamentary questions.
License based on the "Notice légale" of (
"Sauf indication contraire, la reproduction des informations contenues sur ce site est autorisée à des fins non commerciales à condition que la source soit expressément mentionnée."
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