Soil Humidity in Luxembourg - daily measurements

Mis à jour le 29 novembre 2023 — Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

Administration des services techniques de l'agriculture

28 jeux de données


Creative Commons Zero (CC0)


Date de création
31 octobre 2022
Dernière mise à jour de ressource
29 novembre 2023

Dimensions géographiques

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Soil moisture data covering the whole area of Luxembourg for the first 1-2 cm, as well as 5-10 cm soil depth:

  • C and X band for the first 1-2 cm soil depth.
  • L-band for the first 5-10 cm of soil depth.

with a resolution of 100 x 100 m per pixel and with a temporal resolution of "once per day" and an average number of 280 images per year images per year (as a combination of C, X and L-band sources)


Product Unit Sensing Depth Pixel size * Temporal resolution
Volumetric Soil Moisture L-Band (SM) m3/m3 5cm 100x100m, 0.000888888888889 degree 230 observations per year at 52 degree lat.
Volumetric Soil Moisture C-Band (SM) m3/m3 2cm 100x100m, 0.000888888888889 degree 320 observations per year at 52 degree lat.
Volumetric Soil Moisture X-Band (SM) m3/m3 1cm 100x100m, 0.000888888888889 degree 320 observations per year at 52 degree lat.

* pixel size is given as a number in meters. This is an approximate size as the data itself is stored in decimal degrees (WGS84). The actual size in decimal degrees is given in the description of each data product.

Description of the files

Every file name encodes the characteristics of the file:

  • SM-SMAP-LN-DESC: Volumetric Soil Moisture L-band (SM) / Satellite observed volumetric soil moisture derived from L-band microwave data in combination with other bands. It is based on VanderSat's patented high-resolution technology and provides soil moisture of the top 5 cm of the soil depending on moisture conditions. VanderSat’s L-band data is retrieved from the SMAP satellite.
  • SM-AMSR2-C1N-DESC: Volumetric Soil Moisture C-band (SM) / Satellite observed volumetric soil moisture derived from C-band microwave data in combination with other bands. It is based on VanderSat's patented high-resolution technology and provides top soil soil moisture of the top 2 cm of the soil depending on moisture conditions. VanderSat's C-band soil moisture is derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) on board the GCOM-W1 satellite as well the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - EOS (AMSRE) on board the AQUA satellite.
  • SM-AMSRE-C1N-DESC: Volumetric Soil Moisture C-band (SM) / Satellite observed volumetric soil moisture derived from C-band microwave data in combination with other bands. It is based on VanderSat's patented high-resolution technology and provides top soil soil moisture of the top 2 cm of the soil depending on moisture conditions. VanderSat's C-band soil moisture is derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) on board the GCOM-W1 satellite as well the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - EOS (AMSRE) on board the AQUA satellite.
  • SM-AMSR2-XN-DESC: Volumetric Soil Moisture X-band (SM) / Satellite observed volumetric soil moisture derived from X-band microwave data in combination with other bands. It is based on VanderSat's patented high-resolution technology and provides top soil soil moisture of the top 1 cm of the soil depending on moisture conditions. VanderSat's X-band soil moisture is derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) on board the GCOM-W1 satellite, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - EOS (AMSRE) on board the AQUA satellite and the GMI sensor on board the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite.
  • SM-AMSRE-XN-DESC: Volumetric Soil Moisture X-band (SM) / Satellite observed volumetric soil moisture derived from X-band microwave data in combination with other bands. It is based on VanderSat's patented high-resolution technology and provides top soil soil moisture of the top 1 cm of the soil depending on moisture conditions. VanderSat’s X-band soil moisture is derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) on board the GCOM-W1 satellite, the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer EOS (AMSRE) on board the AQUA satellite and the GMI sensor on board the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite.

All the files starting with "QF-" contain the data flags related to the corresponding data.

Technical details

GeoTIFF images are provided for the following extent (WGS84 latitude/longitude):
Extent (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = 5.7, 49.4, 6.58, 50.23
This corresponds to a number of 981 x 917 pixel

Parameter Value
Data type uint16
Compression LZW
Scale 0.001
Offset 0
Band 1 Soil moisture
Band 2 Data marked as unreliable
NoData 65535

We have archived similar measurements on the period 2002-2022 in the following dataset: Soil Humidity in Luxembourg 2002-2022

Fichiers 1556

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